What The Fuck Is My Social Media Strategy? By Mike Phillips

Social media can amplify brand awareness, increase website traffic, attract new potential customers, build customer or prospect engagement, and take your digital marketing efforts to a whole new level. Increase Web Traffic: You can target your Social Media strategy to offer compelling content that includes links to your site. Set goals that are SMART and tied to business priorities. This infographic went viral and as a result you got lot of engaged visits, Twitter followers and Facebook fans.

You'll learn what kinds of content people are most likely to engage with, and what times they're most likely to engage with brands on social media. It's interesting to note that a social media marketing strategy and a social media marketing plan have a lot of crossovers.

Just £10 to a lookalike audience achieved 51 engagements, 147 post clicks and 94 clicks to the website. Its social program, previously spread across an overabundance of accounts, is now a sleek, strategy-minded solution that supports the company's core business objectives.

Before you choose goals, it helps to understand what social media is best for. Bonus: Get a free social media strategy template to quickly and easily plan your own strategy. If you've never created buyer personas before, drop what you're doing and take some time to set up your buyer personas right now.

Guidelines are part of the tactical social media strategy execution, providing a set of rules for the business to adhere to. It's not a strategic activity, so this content sits best within the tactical plan, or as a separate document referenced by the plan. Brands that relied on traditional forms of advertising to further their base have taken to optimizing their brand to fit into different social media niches on the web.

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